Waves Plugins and applications are supported and tested on operating systems installed on the built-in system hard drive.RAM: Grand Rhapsody’s & Bass Finger’s minimal RAM required is 16 GB (and not 8GB, as generally described for all plugins).Specific information available on each instrument’s page. Waves Instruments: Additional disk-space may be required for sample libraries.Recommended screen resolution for Flow Motion, Bass Slapper and Bass Fingers: 1920x1080. Screen Resolution: SSL E-Channel, SSL G-Channel, Element, Codex, Dorrough, Flow Motion, Bass Slapper and Bass Fingers require minimum screen resolution 1280x1024 / 1600x1024.Waves plugins are officially supported on up to two screens in third-party DAWs and host applications.We are aware of this issue, which can be resolved by reinstalling V9.92 plugins or contacting Tech Support. For this reason, installing a newer version alongside V9 may cause temporary loss of access to V9 plugins on systems that support both versions.To run V9 side by side with a newer version, please install version 9.92. Software versions earlier than 9.92 cannot co-exist with software versions above V10.To check if a plugin exists in an older version, scroll to the bottom of the older version's download page.

Current version licenses will activate older version software (V9 and above), if the product/s in question exists in this software version.If you experience unusually high CPU consumption from Waves Plugins V14 and above while using a non-Intel CPU and Windows, learn how to enable MKL optimization to improve CPU performance.Mac models without ‘Metal’ support are not supported with V14.Windows 10 64 bit (Pre-2004) is not supported with software version 14.0.These specs are for software version 14.